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5 Ways To Go Green At Work

Laptop, Tablet, & Phone

Are you ready to make your job greener? Not every business can drastically shrink its impact on the environment by adding solar panels to its property, but even organizations that lease their office space can introduce small changes to make a big difference!



Everyone uses email, but there are more steps you can take to make your work more eco-friendly. Take a moment to think about what you print out and what is printed out for you. Do you really need paper meeting agendas when everyone has a smartphone, tablet or laptop

Choosing digital to green your office has the bonus of saving money. Think of it this way: one ounce of Dom Perignon costs around $7.50, while one ounce of printer ink costs between $13 and $75!!


Swap your disposable pens for ones that have refillable ink cartridges to easily cut down on waste. Go above and beyond by tracking down pens that are made from 89% post-consumer recycled plastic bottles!

coffee cup and laptop


Why opt for paper plates when washing your dishes can save the environment? Getting rid of paper cups at the water fountain is another great way to cut down on your company’s carbon footprint. Go one step further by replacing paper towels with air dryers in the bathroom and cloth dishtowels in the kitchen area.

Don’t stop at the dishes; try using whiteboards in your office instead of flip charts to create less waste!



Most technology around your office will already have energy saving settings, but it’s up to you to change them! This can mean setting your computer to go into sleep mode after a few minutes or using low energy settings on copiers and printers. Offices can also introduce timer switches that automatically turn off after business hours. A short-term solution is using a power strip in your office or cubicle with an on/off switch that will keep powered-down technology from using unnecessary electricity.


There are a variety of different ways you can recycle at the office beyond recycling bottles, cans, paper and plastic! A great way to green your workplace is by purchasing recycled or refurbished toner and ink cartridges for printers and copiers. But don’t stop there. Opt for recycled paper, coffee filters, and more!

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